Our over-riding Goal: To advance, encourage, and promote the industrial, economic, commercial, distribution, research and civic development of the City of Twinsburg.

In pursuing this goal the TCIC will strive to:

  • Provide research, conduct special studies and develop conceptual plans necessary to determine development feasibility.
  • Provide and distribute plans and supporting narrative to convey the intent of the City’s and TCIC’s mutual development vision.
  • Strive to establish public/private partnerships for the planning and implementation of development and redevelopment projects.
  • Apply for, or assist others in making application for, State and Federal financial assistance to support planning and development efforts.
  • Identify grant and loan opportunities that might reduce development project costs.
  • Interact with the private sector development community to encourage local investment.
  • Support the growth of existing businesses through education and information sharing.
  • Identify, secure and control strategic properties for projects that might stimulate local economic activity, enhance community vitality and contribute to job creation.
  • Manage the City’s Community Reinvestment Area and Twinsburg Occupancy Program incentives to support, diversify, and expand the City’s economic and employment base.
  • Support the City’s vision for creating a dynamic, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented central Twinsburg.